Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My new motto

Today I have decided that I am going to make my home a work of art. I have been struggling with being a stay at home Mom after working in the world for the past fifteen years. I have always been creative but I have found it hard to express myself with my little one taking most of my time. I am so lucky to be at home with her but I have to admit I have found it really hard. I was reading about Victorian women and how it was considered an art to make a house a beautiful place to live. They spent time nurturing their children, pressing linens, and stocking the pantry. All though I am not giving up on my writing I will from this day forward express myself creatively through my daily chores. I am going to make the best of my small space of living by learning to live with what I have instead of constantly wanting bigger and more. I am going to make the most out of every moment I have with my little ones. Feel free to call me out if I am ungrateful or complaining. I am blessed and need to be thankful for every minute and moment I have. So here I go.....